Saturday, June 17, 2006

Korea - DMZ Joint Security Area

The highlight of the tour was the Joint Security area. The JSA is an area used by both sides to hold armistice talks as well as routine meetings to discuss other various topics pertaining to the management of the DMZ on each side. There used to be free travel within the JSA between the two sides with very little interaction however several altercations, defections, gun battles and axe fights have caused the JSA to be divided into two sections just like the rest of the DMZ.

We started this portion of the tour by getting our ID’s checked again by Korean sentries at the gate to the Korean Army base that’s adjacent to the JSA. We then had an inbrief given by an US Army soldier who would be one of our two Army escorts (they jokingly stated they preferred not to be called “tour guides” since that was an undignified position for any self respecting Army soldier defending the DMZ). From this point we boarded Army buses and since our Korean tour guides weren’t allowed into the JSA they had to hang out on our original buses until we got back. Our Army tour guides were very informative and allowed us to take pictures pretty much anywhere we wanted and of whatever we wanted inside the JSA which was cool.


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