Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Knee surgery

It's been exactly 6 weeks since I had knee surgery. I've had many people tell me I should put something about my ordeal on my site so here it is. A little background: this was the first time I’ve ever had any kind of surgery or hospital stay in my life. I have all my wisdom teeth, tonsils, appendix etc. I’ve only ever had a couple of stitches here and there and that’s about it. So this whole experience was new and entirely filled with unknowns for me.

I completely ruptured my left knee patellar tendon while playing softball on Friday, June 29th. I was chasing down a foul ball and was sliding to make the catch to break my momentum since I was approaching the fence. However I was closer to the fence than I realized and I went knee-first into the fence post pretty much at full speed. And no, I didn’t catch the ball; the ball was in my mitt but schwacking the fence with my knee was a bit distracting and it popped right out. Strangely enough it didn’t hurt but I knew something was wrong when I was laying there on the ground and couldn’t move my leg, plus I could see my kneecap sitting up on my thigh; not cool. So blah blah blah, my kneecap wasn’t attached to the tendon and I needed surgery. I met with my surgeon on Monday the 2nd. He went over the whole situation with me and was very clear and concise. The surgery was conducted at the Naval Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan on July 3rd and I was released from the hospital on July 4th. So my 4th of July was not all that much fun.

Even though this was a major procedure, it’s pretty routine and went well. The surgeon used Kevlar fiber-wire to reattach the tendon to the kneecap and sewed up the other damaged tissue around the area. Fortunately I didn’t do any damage to any of the other ligaments or tendons in my knee so that helped make the procedure fairly straight forward. I was in pretty bad pain for the first few days and I was thankful that I had a friend to stay with who lived right next to the hospital. Yokosuka is over an hour drive from my house and I don’t think I could have handled that long of a drive in the condition I was in.

Fast forward several weeks and here we are. I’ve been doing physical therapy for the past few weeks now and have been making significant progress. I just came off crutches this past Monday (Aug 13th) and am using a cane. My flexibility is coming back slowly but steadily and I’m just on the doorstep of the 60° threshold. Right now the goal is getting to 90° of flexibility. All my physical therapy up to this point has been focused on flexibility but I should be starting on regaining strength within the next few weeks.

So what else can I say? This has been a major life experience for me. I can’t say enough how thankful I’ve been for the support from my squadron-mates here in Japan. They’ve been driving me to work and on errands and making sure I have food and groceries. Getting around on crutches was a huge pain in the ass so I’m happy to be using only a cane now. I’m really looking forward to getting rid of the leg immobilizer as well. At least I don’t have to sleep with that thing on anymore, that was wearing me out. So I’ll try to do a better job of keeping updates coming on this site. Thanks for all the good wishes, positive vibes, and support. Beat Army.


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